Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What does the rest of the world feel about American and Mexican food?

How does traditional american food and mexican food rank internationally? I mean who doesnt think tacos and french fries are the best right?What does the rest of the world feel about American and Mexican food?
I love taco.What does the rest of the world feel about American and Mexican food?
American food is a general statement.I like Southern cooking,but as far as regular bland boring American food... :(

I like real Mexican food but not the greasy cheese laden TEX-MEX most think is Mexican food.Its gross!|||I love REAL Mexican food - not the crap you get at Taco Bell!|||REAL mexican is great. Taco Bell is not real. French fries? Why are so many people overweight?????|||I'm one in a million, I hate Mexican food, But I love Chinese, German, Italian, And United States. If I was to say american, which american? North, Central or South. Canada, United Sates, Mexico? With me, its specifics. And to answer why are so many people overweight? Because we sit behind a computer all day and eat .|||I think tacos are very good. My family and I eat home made tacos about twice a week. We make turkey, fish, chicken, ground beef, or just plain veggie tacos. They are very healthy for you, if made at home.

We fix french fries in the oven, put them on a cast-iron gridle, spray with pam, and bake until golden brown, put a little sea-salt on them and eat your heart out.

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