Monday, February 13, 2012

What is in Mexican food that causes my blood sugars to sky rocket?

Before lunch my sugars were 156 so I took 12 units of insulin. Just about 2 hours later, i check again and my sugars had gone up to a whopping 329. Ouch!What is in Mexican food that causes my blood sugars to sky rocket?
My mum used to have a similar problem. We found out that Mexican foods and Indian foods contain a huge amount of sugar in them, some of them release slowly and some of them act straight away. Maybe try increasing the amount of insulin you inject before you eat.

Hope I helped.What is in Mexican food that causes my blood sugars to sky rocket?
I also think it's the massive amounts of carbs.

They bring a huge basket of chips to your table to start.

The plates include huge amounts of rice, which cause a lot of people's blood sugar to skyrocket

The beans are also carbs.. Your food is often wrapped in a tortilla (more carbs) So, overall it's a high carbohydrate meal. With some experimention, you can probably figure out the units of insulin you need.
The term 'Mexican food' does not really provide much information as there are so many different varieties of Mexican food. It is possible to make a general statement that most Mexican food tends to be rich in carbohydrates but the same is true of most Italian food (which typically is or is served with pasta and bread). A premeal glucose of 156 mg/dL represents poor diabetic control so that is your first problem. If your premeal glucose is 156 mg/dL a postprandial glucose excursion of 173 mg/dL (329 minus 156) is partially explained by the premeal glucose. The other factor is that your bolus dosage of insulin administered prior to the meal clearly was not sufficient to cover the carbohydrate load of the meal. I must assume that you are on both basal and bolus insulin. If you are not on basal and bolus insulin that may be your problem. Another question is whether you are on analog insulin or not as in theory only analog insulin is in use today. Basal analog insulin includes detemir (Levirmir) and glargine (Lantus). Bolus analog insulin includes aspart (NovoLog), lispro (Humalog), and glulisine (Apidra). There are 2 types of combination analog insulin - Humalog Mix and NovoLog Mix - but these preparations tend to produce wide swings in glucose. If you are on any other insulin that may be the problem. You must learn how to adjust your basal and bolus dosage every 3 to 5 days based upon your glucose readings. You must take the premeal glucose reading and take into account the carbohydrate load of the meal you are about to eat in order to determine your bolus dosage for that meal. Let me emphasize again that your diabetes appears to be poorly controlled. I sincerely mean it when I say that if I may be of further assistance please let me know. I wish you and your family the very best of health and in all things may God bless. Thank you for taking the time to read my answer which is a bit long.What is in Mexican food that causes my blood sugars to sky rocket?
Bare in mind that 'mexican food' in america is high in both carbs and fats, both of which will affect blood sugar levels. A flour torilla is made from flour and fat.

Traditional foods in Mexico, however, are often lighter in fats and carbs, plus contain a variety of fruits and vegatables. They don't do flour torillas and use more tomatoes and boiled meats (not fried), for example, than what is served on this side of the border.

I have to ask, why did you base you insulin on your premeal reading and not on your projected meal carb count? Maybe that was part of the problem...
It's not really the sugar but the amount of carbohydrates in these foods that raise your sugar.

You have beans, rice and tortillas and chips.

I will not eat the rice so I can have the beans [ yummy ]

Only have 1 tortilla .You can work it out. Check the carbs.What is in Mexican food that causes my blood sugars to sky rocket?
Super high Carbs. Usually rice, flower shells. Order fajitas with and skip the shells. Beans instead of rice. Salsa is ok, not guacamole
Both corn and flour tortillas have quite a bit of starch (which converts to sugar) in them. Rice will do the same thing as well. Hope you are feeling better soon : )
wow, you ok babe? what did you eat?

my dad just found out he's borderline, he's had to change everything!
flour lots of flour

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