Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mexican food serving customs?

I'm doing a report on Mexican cusine, and I want to know what sort of serving customs they have. Unfortunately, typing this into google keeps giving me irrelevant data. Does someone have this information for me, and could they cite the source? Thank you very much!Mexican food serving customs?
Mexico: Customs and Etiquette

Meeting Etiquette

. When greeting in social situations, women pat each other on the right forearm or shoulder, rather than shake hands

. Men shake hands until they know someone well, at which time they progress to the more traditional hug and back slapping.

. Wait until invited before using a Mexican's first name

Gift Giving Etiquette

. If invited to a Mexican's house, bring a gift such as flowers or sweets.

. Gift wrapping does not follow any particular protocol.

. Do not give marigolds as they symbolize death.

. Do not give red flowers as they have a negative connotation.

. White flowers are a good gift as they are considered uplifting.

. Gifts are opened immediately.

. If you receive a gift, open it and react enthusiastically.

Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Mexican's home:

. Arrive 30 minutes late in most places (check with colleagues to see if you should arrive later than that).

. Arriving on time or early is considered inappropriate.

. At a large party you may introduce yourself.

. At a smaller gathering the host usually handles the introductions.

Watch your table manners!

. Always keep your hands visible when eating. Keep your wrists resting on the edge of the table.

. When you have finished eating, place your knife and fork across your plate with the prongs facing down and the handles facing to the right.

. Do not sit down until you are invited to and told where to sit.

. Do not begin eating until the hostess starts.

. Only men give toasts.

. It is polite to leave some food on your plate after a meal.Mexican food serving customs?
Well it all depends on the ocassion, so could ou be a bit more specific... I am mexican.

Try this informationMexican food serving customs?
You just are not using quite the right search term. I turned up some decent results using "Mexican meals" rather than "serving customs."

Mexican food serving customs are not very different than our own, though the structure of the courses can be a little different. The thing that is the most different is the timing of the meals and what is served for each meal.Mexican food serving customs?
They put every thing on the table and every one sits down to enjoy the feast. The food they serve is typical Mexican dishes unless it is a Holiday or birthday(Quincenera). Then they make special dishes for the fiesta!

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