Friday, February 3, 2012

What did Gordon Ramsey of Kitchen nightmares mean the best Mexican food is in LA not Mexico as he helped turn?

What did Gordon Ramsey of Kitchen nightmares mean the best Mexican food is in LA and not Mexico as he helped turn around a Mexican restaurant in LA ?What did Gordon Ramsey of Kitchen nightmares mean the best Mexican food is in LA not Mexico as he helped turn?
I saw this show. The Lady ran a catering business and then invested over 1 million in this super deluxe Mexican restaurant. The mexicans in the kitchen were clueless and making and freezing food that went back as far as 2 years.The latino woman who ran the restaurant had family recipes handed down and for a time it worked but all that freezing and running a restaurant like a catering business sunk them.He and she created dishes that worked.Their cook could not cook.But he did say the best Mexican food is in LA and not Mexico.Some was tex mex and most was family recipes that needed fine tuning that were not tex mexWhat did Gordon Ramsey of Kitchen nightmares mean the best Mexican food is in LA not Mexico as he helped turn?
We think TexMex is Mexican food, when there is little similarity between American TexMex and Mexican food in Mexico. Mexican food in Mexico is very regional, much as it is here. Our ingredients are far more consistent and better quality. I love Mexico, but when I am there, I begin to crave American food.What did Gordon Ramsey of Kitchen nightmares mean the best Mexican food is in LA not Mexico as he helped turn?
He meant that he was from the U.K. and wouldn't know real mexican food if he was drowning in it.

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